A Much Needed Staycation — Livingston Consulting

A Much Needed Staycation

Happy Memorial Day!

My hope is that this post finds you well, safe, and enjoying your friends and family, however you might be doing that this year. 

I don’t know about you, but I need a week off!  That is what I was just reflecting on with my wife last night.  I am not sure I have worked this hard and not traveled on an airplane in years…maybe ever!  I am sure it is not the work per se, but all of the additional stress COVID has brought into my world. Our discussion was getting emotionally raw; I was sharing how down I was because:

  • I had not been able to be face to face with any clients.

  • Our dream vacation to Israel has been canceled.

  • Our future cruise to see the Northern Lights and the Fjords of Norway has already been canceled.

  • Maybe worst of all, my Granddaughters dance recital has been canceled, and so my trip to see her was nixed as well.

After reading that list you might be down too.  Then, my beautiful wife said to me, “Why don’t you just do a STAYCATION next week?”  



So as you are reading this, I am likely at home:

  • Doing nothing

  • Cooking a meal from an actual cookbook that I have always wanted to try but not had the time

  • Reading poetry 

  • Reading fiction

  • Playing golf

As I am thinking about this STAYCATION I am getting really excited and having a hard time writing anything worth your time to read. So here are links to 5 of my favorite posts from 2020. You might have missed one, or two, or hey, even all five:

  1. The Top 3 Emotional Intelligence Mistakes Every Leader Should Avoid

  2. A Strategic Piece Of Advice For When You Receive Critical Feedback

  3. 5 Strategies To Be Resilient In Stressful Times

  4. Surprise: A Requirement For Getting Unstuck

  5. 5 Tips Based On 15 Years Of Working From Home

Enjoy your week, I am for sure going to enjoy mine!